We at Joseph Young’s Puzzle -ria! are this week solemnly memorializing July’s last hot and humid gasps. How? By hanging around up at the lake, of course!

Think Good, It’s Friday!

The consensus over at the Blainesville and AESAP puzzle blogs was that this was a relatively easy puzzle. So we made it a tad tougher by adding this Puzzlerian! extension which was posted in our July 18 blog’s comments section:
To the end of the “second something,” add two letters: a replica of a letter from the second something, and the letter that got changed in the original “something,” thereby forming a new seven-letter something it is nice to have lots of in the winter.

To this new “something” add a letter that is near the middle of the alphabet and rearrange the result to form two new words: a five-letter something you probably have lots of in the winter, but don’t want, and a three-letter something most people never want… no matter what season of the year it is.
Name these three new “somethings” HINT: The “something else” is not a form of the “new something.” The last something is a form of insanity, according to some.

(Our Puzzleria! solvers made short work of this puzzle extension, and correctly named the “three new somethings,” also in last week’s comments section.)
Now we offer another extension that whips us out of winter and snaps us back into summer:

Okay, if you could Handel that summer-to-winter-to-summer circumnavigation of the sun, we know you can Handel this trio of puzzling slices:
Easy As Pie Slice:
“I’m (Ernie) Broglio”

the two words and removing the first letter results in a word describing a type
of gesture that might touch off such a melee. What are the two-word synonym and
the gesture?
Con-number-umm Slice:
Sum equations!
SIX + TWELVE = 64 + (a word often
associated with a non-prime factor of 64)
FIVE + SIX + SEVEN + TWELVE = 73 + (something
you do when you survey these four numbers to be summed, or something you do either
at a high school class reunion or at a grade school class)
Specialty Of The House Slice:
Loaves and fishes... and synonyms

Delete the second half of the second synonym. The new words formed are synonyms of each other also. What are these two sets of synonyms? (Hints: All four words are nouns. The synonyms begin with a T and a W.)

Please post your comments below. Feel free also to post clever and subtle hints that do not give the puzzle answers away. Please wait until after 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Tuesdays to post your answers and explain your hints about the puzzles. We plan to serve up at least one fresh puzzle every Friday.
We invite you to make it a habit to “Meet at Joe’s!” If you enjoy our weekly puzzle party, please tell your puzzle-loving and challenge-welcoming friends about Joseph Young’s Puzzle -ria! Thank you.